Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Rest In Peace

Today was one of the saddest days in my entire life. We had to put Cosmo down this morning. Cosmo went to the bathroom three times inside the house just this morning. He couldn't control himself anymore and he didn't know what he was doing anymore. My dad said it was his time so he woke Kristi up at 10am so she could come along to help because I had to go to school. I was balling all morning and I couldn't even control myself but its so hard because Cosmo has been with us for so long.
My dad was terribly sad almost to the point of crying and he said we were just going to drop Cosmo off at the vet and say goodbye. One of my dads old cats Bridget ran away and was never seen again and the other one Barney had to be put down and my dad didn't want to do this again. My sister was extremely sad and said she wanted to stay with Cosmo but my dad didn't think she could handle it.
Today has been a sad dreary day, I could barley control myself at school. I just wanted to burst out crying because I was so upset about Cosmo. I don't want to get another dog because I never want to replace Cosmo.
We picked Cosmo out from Mrs Noah's Pet store on June 3, 1995 in Roselle near the Library. That pet store isnt even there anymore, its been gone for a long time. Kristi would have been around two and half years old then and I would have been around seven years old. Cosmo had such cute brown ears and lots of brown spots on his face and all over his fur back then as a puppy. He was the cutest dog in the whole wide world! Cosmo would have been 16 this June 3rd.
Towards the end of his time he started going to the bathroom in the house every day multiple times a day. He constantly wanted to go outside and then he would come back inside and go to the bathroom on the floor. I know it gets annoying dealing with that everyday but I don't care how much he went on the floor I still loved him very much.

Cosmo Mickow- April 19, 2011

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear about poor Cosmo. He will be more peaceful now...
