Thursday, March 15, 2018

So Confused

Today I found my old blog once again and I decided I would post on it once again just like I did around this same time last year. However, when I tried to log in this time I could not log in and everything was very confusing. After about a 1/2 hour of password changing, account verification and confusion I realized Blogger was bought out by Google and I can't just log in using my original email and password anymore. My account now has to be connected with a Google account. Since I haven't used Blogger in such a long time I had no idea about any of this. Anyways, when I finally figured everything out my ski club YouTube channel that is connected to a Google account with the same email as my blogger account was some how got connected. Since I need to have a Google account connected with my Blogger it noticed the two emails were matching and automatically connected the two accounts. Am I making any sense? I do not want my ski club Google/YouTube channel account connected with my Blogger account but I do not know how to change it. That is the stress I'm dealing with today on top of trying to buy a new car. What a mess!

I think I'll post a separate post about the car.
