Monday, January 10, 2011

Winter Quarter

Its that time again, the holiday season is over and I'm back to school. Today is my first official day back to school for my winter quarter. It started off great today with a 9:00am-10:50am Philosophy class that went by rather smoothly because my teacher is a loud obnoxious maniac. Thus, it wasn't boring in the least bit. Next I have Advanced Lighting at 3:00pm-5:50pm and then I'm done until Wednesday when I do it all over again. On Fridays I have a Web management class from 9:00am-3:20pm, its only a once a week class so its extra long. I'm just really excited about this quarter because I have no night classes for once. The latest I will get out is 6:00pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. I have Tuesdays and Thursdays off so I can still get some hours in at work as well, hooray! I sure had a great break and the holidays were all amazing to. I just wish they didn't go by so darn quickly!

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