They had a small family party for Taylor like they usually do every year at there house for the girls birthdays. We had yummy chinese food from Silver Lake for dinner this year. Taylor works there so she was able to get an employee discout on the catering. After dinner, presents, and cake we had a great bonfire!
Taylor is the youngest from our group and once she turns 21 the family partys will end. They have had a family party for the girls every single year since they were born. A tradition of many years will be ending in three years when Taylor turns twenty one. I hope to make it to every party until then and enjoy it while it lasts.
Holly and Taylor.
Holly, Gianna, Taylor, and Danielle.
Holly and Danielle.
Taylor's 18.
Sisters :)
Opening presents.
Chocolate eclaire cake.
ahahah that bonfire pic is crazy!! it looks insane!