This all happened last night while I was at work. I started work at 4:30 pm and I parked in the same area of the parking garage I always park in. I've been parking in the same parking garage in the same area for over three years now. I didn't think anything of where I parked yesterday.
So apparently the security that run the streets of woodfield area had come in to the theater to see if they knew anyone who owned a red Saturn. The managers said they didn't know but they'd ask around. Word got around and they asked me if I had a red Saturn and I was like oh no thinking maybe I left my lights on or something. I was afraid my car might be dead and I wouldn't be able to get home. In the end my car had been vandalized. The right rear tail light had been smashed in then duck tapped over that. They wrote weird notes in the dirt on my back windshield. They stuck a banana peel in between the rear windshield wiper and the car. They bent my windshield wipers to no end and they also completely bent my antenna. They also wrote a weird creepy sexual note on a piece of paper and taped it to my car window. All in all the damage wasn't completely bad, it was only on the outside. At least they didn't break into my car. The cops were there and everything though and it turned out to be this huge ordeal. I was out there for about an hour while they investigated, took pictures, took evidence and got all my information and statement. The cops kept questioning me about possibly knowing somebody who might want to do this to me. Asking me if I was on bad terms with anyone, had a fight with anyone. I'm a happy friendly person and I'm never on bad terms with anyone. I had no idea who this person could be. I had never heard of the guy's name who they said owned the car or the guys name that was signed on the creepy note that got taped to my car. They cops were scaring me though because they made it seem like somebody could be out to get me. After they didn't need me anymore I went back inside and kept working but I was so upset I couldn't even work. About an hour later they call me back outside again and they had caught the vandalizer! They caught him across the street inside somebody elses car and they took him into custody on the spot.
The vandalizers car had been the car parked right next to mine in the parking garage. He had a bunch of garbage on his dashboard inside the car and the cops could clearly see his name on some of the garbage and mail. My front license plate was also ripped off and they found it in his car along with the duck tape. This was all clearly visible to the cops. The only problem was they didn't know where the guy was at if this was his car. So they ran the license plate and found out where his family lived and contacted them and they came down to the parking garage. The father was there and he is a Schiller park police officer and he was very upset. He said he had no idea why his son would do this and that he was so very sorry. He said his sons in medical school and he got a wonderful grade on his medical exam. The father is paying for any repairs needed on my car though and the cops talked to my dad about everything so I think everything will be ok in the end. The cop said the kid had no idea what he was doing and had some mental issues that needed to be taken care of right away. They said he needed to be admitted to a hospital as soon as possible. My car was just a random car there that he decided to vandalize at that time. The guy doesn't know me and I don't know the guy. We have no relation what so ever to each other so that made me very relieved.
My front liscense plate which was found in his car along with a peice of my back tail light.
Bent antenna and windsheild wippers.
Smashed tail light that was duck taped.
He wrote in the dirt on my car and put a bananna peel there also.
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