I had a great Monday because I didn't have to go to school today. I didn't have work either so I had the entire day to do whatever I wanted. This morning I met my work friend Jamalva at AMC at 11:30 and we went over to a parking garage across the street from our work and took pictures there. She's been anxious to do a photo shoot with me for a while. I told her I would love to do one so we planned it for today and the weather turned out great! The parking garage we hiked around all day had stair wells with colored walls, each floor was a different color. It had a stair case with viney leave walls and a pond with swans. This business's parking garage was freaking awesome! We had been so stumped on a good location to take pictures at in Schaumburg but in the end I suggested this parking garage. We eventually went there and ended up spending our whole afternoon there shooting pictures.
Later on I met up with my friends Celia and her sister Carol. It was so mega hot today we just had to cool off. We searched the Internet forever looking for an open pool to go to but we didn't have much luck. By the time we looked all the pools would have been closing soon. We ended up coming over to my house and playing with squirt guns and dumping buckets of hose water on each other. It was very refreshing but extremely freezing cold after a while.
I did so much stuff today, it was a very great day off. I feel very accomplished today because I did stuff all day and I didn't just sit at home.
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