Saturday, February 20, 2010

February 20, 2010- The first post to my new blog.

Today I begin my blog. I have pondered the thought of creating a blog for a long time and finally today on this random Saturday I am starting my blog. I am sick in bed with the flu and nothing to do. Thus, I have finally decided that today was the day I was going to create my blog.
An online diary... ?
I don't know if that's what people would consider it but that is what I consider it. A daily entry of what is going on in my life or just anything I feel like posting on that certain day.
Now first off, I am definitely not an English major and my spelling and grammar couldn't be any worse. However, I do not care about any of that in my blogs because it is not like this blog is going to be sent to president Obama or anyone of high status who I care to impress.
So just fore warning if you see a million spelling errors or commas where they shouldn't be, just ignore it as I have.
Amen for spell checker! At least that will do me a little bit of good...hopefully. Alright well this is my first blog so I'm going to cut it short but stay tuned for more amazingly awesome blogs from me.

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