Monday, July 11, 2011


Today is my first day of summer quarter. It's kind of sad going back to school after having such a nice break but I'm trying to be positive about it. I will still be making awesome summer plans with my friends even though I'm in school now. Since they are all on summer break right now they will be free to do things more often then they would be if they were in school. So all in all I still plan on doing some great things this summer like hitting chicago, going to the beach, and of course doing lots of swimming.
My classes dont sound very exciting this quarter but I'm hoping I can get through them alright. On Monday's and Wednesday's I have Capstone which is a general ed course only taken by students at my school. This course dosent exist at any other school. I'm not even sure how to explain it but we're going to be writing a ten page paper by the end of the quarter, reading a novel, and writing journels. I'm not looking forward to this class at all. It dosent start until noon though so at least I get to sleep in on Monday's and Wednseday's. On Monday's I also have a night class that starts at 6:00pm and goes until 9:50pm unfortunatley. Thus, I have a four hour break in between my morning class and night class on Monday's. I'll probably be going home during that four hour break most likley. There are other options though I suppose like doing homework or going to see a movie. I'm lucky my work is so close to school so I could go watch a movie and make it back to school no problem. Four hours is a long time to keep myself occupied though.
The class I have on Monday nights is called Fundementals of Authoring. It dosent sound any fun either and it meets on Monday nights and Saturday afternoons which is the worst possible time for a class ever. Friday's is when I have my third class which is Art Direction and that meets from 9:00 am to 3:00pm in the afternoon. Since it's only one day a week it meets all day. I'm glad I have Tuesday and Thrusdays off and a short day on Wednesday so I will have alot of time to work.
This week I got scheduled 40 hours and I started school today so this week is going to be terribly busy. Nobody is going to see me the entire week. I'll be living at school and work. Next week will probably be the same and I will probably work over 40
hours because Harry Potter is coming out and that is going to be insane!
Living out of my car for the next two weeks is always an option. It might save me some gas. :)

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