My parents had been planning to get our windows replaced for a while because they were so disgusting looking and old. They also wanted our windows to match the rest of the house. With money issues and all we werent able to do it for quite a while. Finally today after having weeks of window estimates a company finally came and put the new windows into our rooms.
These windows are the exact same type of creme colored window that is in the rest of the house. In my Grandma's room, the living room, front hall, kitchen, and family room. Now mine and Kristi's windows will match the rest of the house. They look gorgeous and they'll definitely be easier to open then our old ones. These ones have little cranks where as our old ones had to be pulled open.
In order to get these windows in the workers were going to need quite a bit of space to work. So over the weekend my dad had me move all the stuff of off my desk and take the drawers out. The desk would be to heavy to move out of the corner unless we took everything out of it. So eventually we moved my corner desk out of the corner so the guys could work back there where the two windows are. My desk is a V shape and it doesnt come apart. When we put my desk into that corner in my room we couldnt fit it through the door. My dad and his buddy lifted it through the window and it has stayed in that corner ever since. We have never moved my desk out of that corner once since we put it there years ago. So when we pulled the desk out there were tumble weed sized dust balls and spider webs like no tomorrow. It was so disgusting back there! It was the first time I've ever cleaned back there since we put the desk in that corner all those years ago. I got that desk when I was maybe 13, 14? I dont even remember how old I was exactly because it was to long ago. But I was able to vacume back there and clean it up before we moved the desk back. Now I have brand new windows and a nice clean room.
After we pulled the desk out of the corner.
The new windows that they will be putting in.
Out with the old, in with the new!
Kristi's room without a window- a view from the deck
Our brand new windows finally finished.
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