Monday, July 12, 2010

Back to school

Today was my first day back to school for the start of my summer quarter after a nice three week break. I definitely wasn't ready to go back but I dragged myself out of bed at 6:00 am and some how managed to make it to school. As I was about to drive off I realised I didn't have my student I.D card which is not a good thing because you need that for pretty much anything you do at school. I barley had much time so I quickly ran back inside and shuffled through everything in my room and there was no I.D card! I only keep it in my wallet and I never touch it so I don't know where it could of gotten to.
Anyways, I drive to school and I go to pick up my schedule but since I have no I.D card I cant get my schedule. They tell me to go downstairs and get a temporary I.D card for today so I go and do that and then I go back upstairs and I wait in a huge long line. I get up to the front and they give me a hold sheet which means I have issues with my accounting and payments so I still cant get my schedule until I get that taken care of.
I go back downstairs to accounting and they tell me I need to pay my balance, "why haven't I payed my balance?" They ask me if I'm going to pay it right now and I tell them that I need to talk to my parents first. "You cant continue at this school if its going to be like this, when are you going to make your payment?". Then they wont sign off on my hold so I can get my schedule but instead they make me go to see a financial advisor who just gives me more loan information. We're already on the staford loans, we don't want to be on ten million loans! Will be broke for the rest of our lives!
Anyways, the start to my day was insane and to top it off I have to take physics, ewwwww. However, I'm taking Editorial photography and Digital photographic production so I'm hoping those classes will be fun. Social/Behavioral Science is my fourth class and although I'm not completely looking forward to that, at least it will be better then physics.

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