Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Swimming, Penguins and Tornados.

Yesterday my friend Pedro from work met up with me at my house so we could go swimming. Our friend Jessica from work was supposed to come along with us but she had to cancel on us at last minute. John had just gotten done working with my dad so we tried to drag him along. John and I had just been swimming at our friends apartment the day before and he had work later on so he didn't want to come. So Pedro and I just ended up going by ourselves to Kemmerling Pool in Roselle and had a blast anyways. We were praying for the rain to hold out until later and it did. It was a gorgeous day while we were at the pool. We hung out at the pool for over two hours and then we decided to go see Mr. Poppers Penguins at work. We drove to work, talked to John for a little while and went into our movie. Towards the end of the movie the screen just went completley black, the movie had shut off. Pedro and I went to go and find out what was up with the movie. We were not in uniform but we had to inform all the guests that we worked at the theater and we had to tell them that they all needed to evacuate the theater because there was a tornado warning. The sirens were going off and the clouds looked intense. After a while of everyone chilling in the hall way it got worse outside so the managers decided to move everyone into the theaters on the right side. So all the guests that were hanging out in the hall way started poring into the theaters and we all sat down. The managers were keeping us updated on the weather as we all just hung out and chilled in the theaters. Luckily I had my video camera with me as I usually do so I was able to keep myself occupied. I took pictures of people and was video taping. After a while the warning expired and everyone was able to go home. It was going to be a while before they even got every theater up and running again so we just talked to other employees and hung out but then we decided to go home. We drove back to my house and watched some home video's and then Pedro left. It was an exciting day. I've never been on tornado lock down at work before but it was pretty serious. People could leave if they wanted to because its not like AMC can really hold them there. Why would you be dumb enough to get in your car to drive home during extreme winds and tornado sirens though. Our theater had to give everyone re-admit passes to come back and see a free movie. They must of given out a million passes yesterday.

Kemmerling Pool.

Tricks off of the diving board.

Boredum during the tornado lock down at work.

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